Thursday, June 21, 2007


After some of the worst turbulence ever, and an aborted landing on an Easyjet flight, we thankfully arrived in Berlin on Tuesday. We are here for the next week, staying with our friends Mikiya and Anne. Yesterday we visited some of the tourist attractions pictured below, and sampled some local beer and sausages, including the 'currywurst,' a local delicacy consisting of sausage, curry powder, and ketchup!

The Reichstag

'The philosophers have interpreted the world; the point is to change it.'
-- Karl Marx, 11th Thesis on Feuerbach

This famous quote by Marx is located in the front hall of Humbolt University in downtown Berlin. The whole display is powerful: it is anti-fascist because the quote is written on marble taken from Hitler's bunker; and it suggests that the whole point of education is to change the world.

Jerome and Mikiya at the Concert Hall and one of many downtown squares.

The Brandenburg Gate

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky you -- No scaffolding in your Brandenburg Gate photo! ;)